Stock Code:
A 000055
B 200055
Project Number of shares (shares) Proportion in total share capital
1、Tradable shares with limited sales conditions 2,302,093 0.21%
Including: restricted a shares 2,302,093 0.21%
Restricted B shares - -
2、Non tradable shares 1,071,572,134 99.79%
Including: circulating a shares 677,413,379 63.08%
Circulating B shares 394,158,755 36.71%
3、Total share capital 1,073,874,227 100.00%
(as of December 31, 2022)
Fangda Group Co., Ltd.,
  • A shares 000055 SZ
    Listed on Shenzhen Stock Exchange
  • B shares 200055 SZ
    Listed on Shenzhen Stock Exchange